The Bully & The Bullied
The Bully and The Bullied is a book written about a topic that transcends race, economic status, and culture. Bullying has destroyed many lives all around the world. This book not only touches those who are affected by bullying, but it also addresses the bully as well. In this book both the bully and bullied have an opportunity to express themselves from their different points of view. This book is sure to spark conversations from both the “bully and the bullied” that we might put an end to bullying altogether.
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Papi can you teach me how...?
Papi Can You Teach Me How...? is about self-discovery. It emphasizes the need to embrace your individuality and uniqueness and to be free of judgement or criticism. This book focuses on teaching children to be strong, focused and confident enough to be who they truly are.
Chosen To be Challenged
Chosen to be Challenged was written toreaffirm that challenges are meant to beovercome. God designed them that way! Thisbook will help reshape the thought processregarding obstacles and their intended purpose.Remember, if it doesn’t challenge you, it will neverchange you. You have been chosen for this challenge.
What Happens After the challenge?
What Happens after the Challenge is volume two
of the Challenge Series. The first volume, Chosen
to be Challenged, gave readers the necessary tools
to live life as a victor and not a victim. This self-help
guide gives instruction and insight about the human
gift of reinvention. The next logical step is evolution
to a new and better you!
It's Only A
If You Believe It , You Will Become It
It's Only A Suggestion gently ushers you into a world where direction is offered, but destiny remains in your own hands. This compelling self-help guide doesn't command but converses, doesn't demand but proposes, leaving you to ponder the infinite possibilities that blossom from a single suggestion. An ode to the subtle art of persuasion, the author reminds the reader that in the quietest of moments, a simple suggestion can transform thoughts, change lives, and even rewrite destinies.